Nevada City Contact Improv

…dancing with gravity

Practiced within groups of curious individuals, Contact Improvisation (CI) is a unique partner dance form in which shared points of physical contact provide the starting place for interactive movement improvisation. This dance practice explores the skills of falling, rolling, counterbalance, sharing weight, tuning into subtle sensation, and being responsive to partners and surroundings. Typically practiced without music, CI provides a unique space for connection to self and others.

… an unstructured, focused space for people of all skill levels to practice CI. It is an open playground for creating improvised art with our bodies. Dances can include any number of people, each person being sovereign to initiate or exit a dance at any time.

What is a Contact Improv Jam?

Fall/Float/Fly: flirting with gravity from the earth to the sky w/ Ezra LeBank

Oct 5-6, 2024

Is it possible to fly and fall without noticing much? Can momentum guide us above and along each other? In this two day workshop, we dive into these questions and explore the boundless possibilities of falling, floating, and flying in Contact Improvisation.

Through detailed and buoyant exercises, we will move towards a dancing experience rich with abundant and radically free choice-making in vertical and spherical space. Together we’ll co-create a dance that thrives on simultaneous independence and communion while in fall, float, and flight

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